
How to keep Your Porcelain Veneers for a Long Time

Porcelain veneers are arguably one of the best restorative procedures to help improve your smile. They can help with cracked, chipped, stained, crooked, and even gapped teeth in the front. They are one of the best ways to restore your mouth, but one of the most expensive ones. This leads to the question of how to make their investment last a long time. You can talk about this with your Eugene dentist, but they are actually pretty simple to take care of. You don’t have to avoid some foods or do anything special, but there are a few things that you should avoid in order to keep them as long as possible. Some might say they’re better than natural teeth since they are resistant to staining. There are a few things to make them last forever though, and here are what you should follow. The first, don’t chew on hard, non-food items such as pens or use your teeth as tools. This is a habit lots of us suffer from, but they can damage your veneers. It’s rare to crack or chip them, but to